The Chakras (or 'wheels') are subtle energy centers in the body that have a spinning or spiraling action, resonating with a particular frequency and be associated with certain colors. They all line up along the spine, and there are seven main ones that are often discussed in this complex energy system. Ideally, they would all be open, but not overly active. When a certain chakra is blocked, there can be physical, mental or emotional effects.
Kundalini yoga describes both a "manifesting" (top to bottom) and a "liberating" (bottom to top") current that travel through each of us vertically, along the "wheels of life" or chakras. At times we can move an idea that comes to us through inspiration/ the universe to knowing, speaking about it, setting our heart on it, using our willpower to take action, and eventually bringing it into physical existence (manifesting). At times we need to liberate something that is holding us back or no longer serving us, as we move it up and out of our lives/bodies into the ether once more. When we are "blocked" in either current, it can show up in our daily lives. Yoga and meditation are helpful for balancing and awakening the chakras.
I'm still learning about how this affects me. Chakras are an in-depth system that I look forward to learning more and more about. As I intentionally choose yoga postures that target these specific parts of the body, the energy/ feelings/ words assigned to them feels right to me.
I had an energy worker tell me last summer that my Throat chakra was blocked. He suggested some things to do to help open it. He knew nothing about me, so it was amazing to me that he landed on the throat, since I had been feeling particularly strained in my life, due to some difficult subjects I was avoiding discussing with people I loved. Fear kept me from speaking honestly and openly, and that was causing me a lot of pain and heartache.
This year I read the book Eastern body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It was an interesting exploration of applying chakra theory to developmental psychology. I find it fascinating... the systems different cultures create, to make meaning of the human experience.
Graphic from by Jacob Olesen
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