Restorative or Yin yoga is a slower paced, "cooling" yoga practice, which usually involves staying on the ground and using lots of props like bolsters or pillows. I've loved attending these types of classes while pregnant, nursing an injury, having a low energy day, or simply needing deep rest or a stress-relief session. I have often fallen asleep during these classes, as there is often ample time in each pose to breathe and sit in stillness. Lights are kept low, and I typically keep a sweatshirt on. The energy here is very tamasic (heavy) or sometimes sattvic (balanced).
I really enjoyed teaching a series of Restorative classes this summer, and we also included guided meditations each time. I did my best to remember to allow plenty of quiet space during these classes, for students to experience the poses and let yoga be the teacher. I liked having this option, especially for people who had physical or other limitations they felt prohibited them from attending a vinyasa-style class.
While we all live extremely fast paced, tech-centered lives, we need a reset occasionally to allow healing and deep rest for our bodies. Restorative yoga offers space for the body to breathe into discomfort, relax and melt into a stretch or posture. The word 'surrender' comes to mind for me here. My friend once told me that she was so busy, if she only had an hour to take care of her body she wanted to sweat, and move, like go for a run or to an intense cardio class...and that yoga felt like it wasn't a good enough use of that time because she didn't understand the benefits, and it was very difficult for her to slow down. I understand that feeling. And sometimes I think the discomfort of allowing myself to be in stillness, IS the lesson of yoga.
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