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Yoga Chant

Language has power. Words bring about thoughts and feelings that create our reality. Chant or Mantra is a way to intentionally use our own language and voice to bring about goodness, peace, and gratitude, rather than unconsciously repeating words or thoughts that don't serve us. 

Yoga includes using the voice, with mantra, which is just repeated words or sounds. The Vedas state that sound is the most direct path to the Divine. As a lifelong singer and lover of music, I have felt this in my life, using the instrument and power of my voice- singing in choirs, in forests, during birth, in front of crowds, and alone in the shower. 

Chant or mantra can also be meditative. The repetitions and the awareness of silence and openness allow an expansive experience. It provides a point for the mind to focus on, and activates the throat chakra, which has its own benefits.

Sanskrit is the classical language of India, used for religious rituals and ceremonies. Most Sanskrit mantra could be described as poetic invocations or intentions of gratitude, peace, goodness, protection, power, creation or compassion. The most common word to hear in yoga classes is "Om". Om is the symbol of the divine, or God. It is the breath of life and the sound of everything in the universe. It can be expressed and felt as an invocation. Not everyone feels comfortable chanting or repeating words in Sanskrit. But I think its a beautiful opportunity to explore what feels good to you and experiment with your voice, noticing how it makes you feel as you match it with your breath.

Bodhi Yoga
