Bandhas are when opposing muscles form a "lock" that stimulated nerve conduction and the local chakra.
There are three traditional Bandhas that you may hear of during a class. Sometimes a yoga teacher will ask students to engage or activate on of these during a pose. It brings more awareness to the body as we direct our attention to that area and consciously contract. Engaging these energetic locks also allows retaining of the dissipating Prana (life force energy) in certain areas of the body.
1. Mula Bandha- this refers to the area of the pelvic floor (for both males and females). It involves the first Chakra (Root- survival/safety/trust). We can activate this bandha by squeezing the perineum with a gentle upward tug (the space between the genitals and anus).
2. Udyana Bandha- an activating of upper abdominals, right below the solar plexus. It involves the third Chakra (Solar Plexus- strength/power/self-esteem). After an exhale, pull the abdominal muscles up and into the abdominal cavity. Best practiced on an empty stomach!
3. Jalandhara Bandha- engaging the anterior neck muscles. It involves the fifth Chakra (Throat- expression, honesty, purification). Inhaling deeply, firmly place the chin between the collar bones and hold.
I'm still learning how to have the mind-muscle connection needed to activate these "locks" as I practice.
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