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Begin Again

A while ago, I read a book called Perfectly Imperfect by Baron Baptiste, a yoga instructor.

It was full of great one-liners and quotes that I loved, like: 

Pose begins when you want to get out of it.
Acceptance of what is and is not happening - in a pose as in life - creates peace.
Come as you are, not as what you think you should be.
We have what we need right here to make things happen.
There is nothing to fix.
You are either Now here or Nowhere.
Be willing to show up and suck until you can show up and shine!

But probably my favorite is the very simple, "Begin Again".

It applies to poses, such as a balance posture. If you fall out, there is no need for judgment or meaning or frustration, simply, and gently, Begin Again.

Learning to quiet the mind and overwhelmed by racing thoughts? Simply Begin Again.

Intending to be in the present moment but getting distracted by other things? Begin Again.

It is such a beautiful reminder of the fact that we all get to try, and keep trying, forever. And it doesn't need to be a stressful, angsty process where we tell ourselves stories about what the "failure" means. We can just Begin Again.

I have started applying this to my parenting, and so much else in my life. It's potency is in its tenderness and simplicity. It reminds me of Grace.

Bodhi Yoga
